Mar 3, 2009

Hi guys,

Just before going in the bed to watch some movie I decide to make a sketch for to relax from everything I am doing at work. So this is the result, another sketch in off-road style.

It is nothing serious but who knows, so do not worry to let your comment.


Feb 22, 2009

I've decide to post this one separately couse the sketches are new.
Recently I have in my mind to develope in sketches few absolute offroad machines and here you can see some sketches I've made. Most of them I did today, some of them when I had free minutes.
Waiting for your comments!

Hi everybody!
After so much time, finaly I start my brand new and shiny blog :)
I decide to upload some sketches for a begining . Some are misc sketches made for to practice and fun or for to try some effects in Photoshop. Some of them are from projects I've start before and I want to devolope further like the Honda sport hatchback for an example.

Recently I've start to develope also another one which is catching my imagination for a long time. It's a Deusenberg based on the SJ Mormon Meteor Speedster from 1935. A car which I really like.

I have few other projects which catched up my imagination a long time ago, but I would like to not show for the moment.

Unfortunately I do not have enough time to develope everything I want (and already start) as fast as I want but I will continue and I will be glad to see you comments and critics when I post something new.

