For a long time i didn't publish anything here but recently my imagination is again busy with this car, Bugatti Type 41 Royale. I start thinking how should look a modern version of this unique beauty may be 5 or 6 years ago....i did a lot of sketches but at one moment i stop, i needed to refresh, and i refresh too long but for good. When i sow my sketches now, i found out they are not so special like it should be for this model...so i decide to start all over again, from scratch...begining with an illustration. It is amazing how many details in a car you can notice just making an illustration and those details are compleating the big image and making me thinking in a new way for this piece of art. I will try to spend enough time at home sketching for it and i hope soon i will have interesting stuff to share with you =)
Helllo Dido!
Good to see you're moving forward with this again. I recall last time we met you mentioned about taking on this project and finish it.. I am sure you'll do fine and we're weating for more of it.
By the way...Very nice illustration. Particularly when you see it as a small image, it gives you the impression it's a picture! Excellent job! Did they feature the illustration for the book?
Feel the force!
Hi, Miro
Thank you...about the book i know it's finish allready but i haven't seen it and i don't know did they print the ilustration. I really like this car, in the moment i am trying to find more information about it to have the full history of the model. It will be great if i find more precise blueprint cause i want to study the model. I start allready to make some ideation sketches which are more to create the base packadge and proportions. Soon i will upload some of them for oppinion =)
Hey dido, doing a modern version of this car is a great idea,it has all the ingredients that can make it an awsome project! waiting for what you're cooking there..
Дидо, аре ве! Дай да видим други илюстрации ;)
I still keep my copy of this,it's really nice :)
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